PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty
PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty
The PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty course at Crystal Dive will teach you how the balance in the fragile marine environment is kept.
In the PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty course you will learn about the interaction of living organisms in our marine environment, foodchains and relationships between them.
This Specialty Course will broaden your horizon how an ecosystem works within a world of environmental challenges.
2-Dive-Option: This is your choice if you haven't already done a PADI Underwater Naturalist Adventure dive as part of your PADI Advanced Open Water. With this option you get a full introduction into symbiosis, predator/prey relationships and the ecological background.
1-Dive-Option: This option is available for you if you already completed a PADI Underwater Naturalist Adventure dive as part of your PADI Advanced Open Water Course. This will allow you to fit in another specialty dive the same day or just enjoy a fun dive to use the learned skills.